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Top 10 Educational Games for Preschoolers!

preschool game ideas

Do you have a preschooler or young child? This is a great age to implement family board game night and start a new family tradition. Board games teach children important skills, like turn taking, cooperation and help lengthen their attention span. Some games will even teach letter and word recognition and encourage their fine motor skills.

So, as a parent, what games are best for young children? You want to make sure the game is fun without being overly challenging or frustrating for the child. In my experience as a parent of three kids, now ages 10, 8 and 6, here are the top 10 games that my kids loved! Hope this list gives you some new family games for your family game night. Read More…


Seven Tips to Encourage Kid Chefs!

Disclosure: Contains affiliate link & Kidstir box provided for review. All opinions are mine. Does your child love to cook and bake? My 10-year old daughter is a master chef in training. Her passion is baking and experimenting with new recipes in the kitchen and her skills have improved so much in the last few Read more


I am always excited to spend time with my three kids over the summer, but it is challenging to entertain them every day. So this year, we sat down as a family and created a Summer Bucket List. Each of my three kids, ages 8, 5 and 3 and my husband came up with ideas Read more

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The next few months, we will focus on family fun! Kids are out of school for summer, so this is the perfect time for fun and frugal summer activities. We enjoy eating out on hot summer days, but it can get really pricey feeding the entire family. Family Fun in Omaha has compiled an amazing Read more