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Naked Fitness: The Proven 28 Day Lifestyle Program for a Slimmer, Fitter, Pain Free Body by Andrea Metcalf, Vanguard Press, Dec 28, 2010

About the Book
In Naked Fitness, Metcalf helps readers free their bodies of pain, while teaching them how to manage daily health, tailored to specific body types, using:

  • Step-by-step exercise routines (with photographs)
  • Questionnaires with resulting exercise prescriptions
  • Food, nutrition plans, and shopping lists
  • Tips for enhanced nutritional well-being and physical body tone and movement
  • Worksheets
  • Mantras, emotional health tips, and much more

About the Author
Andrea Metcalf
is a nationally recognized fitness expert and a popular media personality. In the last decade, she has been a contributor for several national publications, including MORE, Self Shape, Women’s World, and All You. She has also appeared on the Today show, GMA Health, Better TV, Living Healthy Chicago, The Daily Buzz, and Atlanta & Company. Her web presence is vast, with blogs on BestLifeDesign.com, More.com, and, most recently, the famed Oprah.com.

For more than twenty-five years, Andrea has inspired people from all walks of life to seek to feel better. As a mother of three, Andrea’s passions for healthy living and her unique ability to multitask inspire mothers and other individuals with a desire for fitness and a healthy lifestyle.

For more information please visit: http://www.andreametcalf.com and follow the author of Facebook and Twitter. Learn more about Naked Fitness at http://www.nakedfitness.com

My Review
Naked Fitness is an easy to follow 28 day plan to lose weight and be healthy. Metcalf advocates two hours of walking every day and following a healthy and diverse diet plan. The book includes recipes, stretching exercises, worksheets and tips for getting healthy. I would recommend this book to any who wants a comprehensive, simple and inspiring plan to make a serious lifestyle change.

I have one copy of Naked Fitness: The Proven 28 Day Lifestyle Program for a Slimmer, Fitter, Pain Free Body by Andrea Metcalf to give away to one lucky reader thanks to Anna at FSB Associates.

First Entry
1. Leave a comment. Please leave an email or way to contact you if you win.

Bonus Entries
2. Subscribe to my free newsletter here and leave me another comment. Current subscribers or followers just leave a comment saying you subscribe/follow to get an extra entry.

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4. Grab my button and leave another comment with your site’s url.

5. Blog about the giveaway and leave another comment with the link to the post

6. Email three or more friends about the giveaway, cc the email to me at Nicole@momsavesmoney.net and leave another comment here.

This contest will end on Tuesday, March 1 , 2010 at 10:00 pm, central time. I will use random.org to select the winner and contact him/her. (If winner does not respond in 48 hours, I will pick another.) U.S. entries only. Good luck and thanks for entering!

Disclaimer: FSB Associates provided me with a copy of this book for review and for a giveaway.

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