Disclosure: The Dial brand provided me with a sample of Dial Coconut Water Refreshing Mango body wash in exchange for a product review. However, all the opinions expressed here are my own.
Dial has introduced a new hydrating body wash scent that smells amazing. The Dial Coconut Water Refreshing Mango body wash reminds me of a day at the beach and is a great family body wash.
I give my youngest son (almost 4 years old) a loofah and a squirt of this body wash and he is able to clean himself and he smells great. He is a very active boy and loves being outdoors, which means he always gets dirty. He needs a body wash that cleans him and also smells great for the whole day. He is also prone to dry skin and with the Dial Coconut Water Refreshing Mango is moisturizing body wash so it doesn’t dry his skin.

Three lucky winners will each recieve a coupon for a FREE Dial Coconut Water Refreshing Mango Body Wash 11.75 oz or larger (Maximum value $4.49, expires 9/30/14.) Easy entry using the Rafflecopter form below. Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I’d like to win this because winter is coming soon…I love using summer scents (to me, coconut is a summer thing) in winter…makes my heart happy.
And, if it really does moisturize, bonus points as I get VERY dry skin in the winter!
I have super dry skin so I”d love to try it 🙂
I would love to try this. We have extremely dry skin.
4 kids. Two have dry skin.
Thank you Nicole. Good luck every one!
I need to win this because I have dry skin.My feet get so dry they crack .I’ve tried everything ,nothing seems to help . They get to where I can hardly walk on them.So PLEASE let me be one of those 3 winners . THANK YOU
I love this brand!
Dial is the only body wash we use, so I would love to win this!
I love mango and coconut in most of my meals, so I’m looking forward to trying it on my skin via bodywash.
Would live to win just to try something new and that smells awesome
Oooh! Exciting! I’ll take a freebie!
I could donate this to my sister at the Open Door Mission.
We would love to try this! Our family has dry sensitive skin.
Would like to give these as gifts.
Would love to win.
I love to try new things.
Would love to win this for christmas!!
I would love to try this! I love new scents.
Would love to try this product!
I want to win because I like all of Dial’s coconut water line of products.
Would love to try out this sounds-amazing scent!
This is a great site
Winner winner chicken dinner
I love the smell of coconuts and mangoes!
Pick me 🙂
I love coconut 🙂
I’d like to win because the scent sounds really nice.
Thank you!
I’m excited to win this because I love the smell of mango!
Would really like to try this.
I love Dial products & would love to try this
I would love to win one! Thank you for the chance!
Would love to try this
I love to try something new !!!
The scent so so luxurious! And….great for dry skin 🙂
this would be great for my daughter’s dry skin
I love coconut
i like trying new products and its free
i love dial products
I want to win because I love the smell of coconut.
We would love to try this! Our family has dry sensitive skin.
I love nice smelling bath products!
I’m hoping to win this as I have extremely dry skin & am hoping it will help me!
I would love to win because I love Dial products
I’m excited to try it because the new scent sounds wonderful.
The scent and the brand are both intriguing to me. I am really curious.
It is a great smelling bodywash! The mango comes through as a lite citrus scent!
I would love to try this prize because I love mango scent!
Thank You for the chance
I’m excited because I use Dial Body Wash and I haven’t tried this scent yet. I like Coconut so I’m sure this smells amazing. Thank you for the chance 🙂