For the next 30 days of April, I will perform at least one act of kindness every day. I know acts of kindness happen regularly during the holidays, but it’s important to do year round. I love helping others and kindness is contagious! When we are kind and helpful to other people, it makes our community just a little better.
My daily act of kindness can be anything, big or small, that shows I care or am thinking about someone, even a stranger. I will set aside approximately $50 for this challenge to pay it forward. Every day, I will post my daily act of kindness on Facebook and Twitter (with hashtag #AOKMomSavesMoney) and will post a weekly summary on this website.

1. Write a handwritten thank you note
2. Pay for coffee for the person in line behind you at the coffee house
3. Plug someone’s parking meter
4. Tip an extra $20 to your waiter/waitress
5. Thank a veteran!
6. Use coupons to donate lots of food to the food pantry
7. Donate gently used items to a local thrift store
8. Make a meal for a new mom
9. Offer to babysit for a friend so they can have a night out
10. Be a coupon fairy (leave coupons by a product at the store)
11. Let someone go ahead of you in line at the store
12. Send an anonymous gift to a friend
13. Give sincere compliments
14. Hand $20 to a random person in line at the grocery store
15. Send a ‘just because’ card to a friend or family member
16. Visit elderly at a nursing home
17. Make cards (or have kids make cards) for residents at a nursing home
18. Volunteer at a soup kitchen
19. Volunteer at an animal shelter
20. Pick up trash at a local park
21. Mail expired coupons to military families serving overseas
22. Deliver groceries to a family in need
23. Help a neighbor with yard work
24. Give a lottery ticket to a stranger
25. Take a friend out to lunch or coffee just because
26. Bake cookies and deliver to your neighbors
27. Donate books to your local library
28. Leave an inspirational book for someone in a public waiting room
29. Donate seeds or help garden at a community garden
30. Send cards, thank you notes or care packages to deployed military members
I’d love to have lots of readers join me in a daily act of kindness challenge. If you tweet or share on Facebook, use the hashtag #AOKMomSavesMoney (Acts of Kindness Mom Saves Money), so we can all see the amazing things you are doing! I am really looking forward to others joining me in this challenge. It should be very rewarding for all involved!
Please, even if you don’t join the challenge, pay it forward if you are the recipient of an act of kindness.
What are some other ideas for acts of kindness? Please leave a comment.
Don’t forget that school supplies are always welcomed at schools! I love acts of kindness. I do something similar in November, but I’m ahead of the game on this one! Yesterday, I gave someone a coupon I wasn’t using at JCP and today, I am giving running shoes to a student that wants to go out for track. Bring on April! 🙂
Great idea, Nicole! You’re right… something that should be done all year round!
I love to read posts on act of kindness but I never comment on any post, but you shared a good list of ideas which are very inspiring me to do acts of kindness.
Just a friendly smile and a sincere “hello” can change how someone feels or even acts. I was at the grocery store in the check-out line when a young mom (30ish) was there with 3 small children. Must have been 2, 3 5 and one in the oven. She was frazzled. I asked her to watch my car and went and got her a Starbucks coffee. She broke into drippy eyes. She said NO one ever gives me anything. It made her day and it made her feel extra special. Spread a little love and the world loves back😀
I love this. What a wonderful thing to do for her.