It’s Beef time in OMAHA! A couple of different places have hamburger on sale at a great price. Time to stock up! Check out the rest of this week’s deals.
Main Dishes
I don’t really have a recipe for you today – just a tip! Lately, I’ve been trying to eat more vegetables. Especially because they’re starting to be in season, and thus, cheaper to buy. My 2-year-old eats most veggies, so I always have them on hand. For him. And I’m really good at serving them to him. Not me. But I do find that I eat more raw veggies when I take a few minutes to prep them. For me, that mean cutting up a bunch of vegetables and putting them into a 9×13 plastic container and sticking them right back in the fridge. Come meal time, I just put the whole container on the table. Everyone can help themselves. It also makes it much easier to cut up a few pieces and throw them in a salad. Or dice them for a soup or a casserole. Winner!
Since I work outside of the home, I also like to take veggies to work to eat. So after I chop them, I put some into 4-5 different baggies. I’m a fan of dipping them in Ranch, so I also throw in a little Tupperware container of Ranch dressing. Stick them all in the fridge and then I can take one to work each day. No more excuses!

Jayme is a wife to 1 and, so far, a mother to two little boys. She coupons, but isn’t super extreme about it. She price matches and loves it! While she likes to cook, she’s in the stage of life where simple is usually better! She never knows how many hands she’ll have free at dinner time! You can find her at No Regrets Living.