In a interesting series of events, I will be running two 5K races this fall and I am NOT currently a runner. First, I was approached by Spartan Races and agreeed to run the Lincoln race on November 21 with my husband. Then, I entered a Live Well Nebraska Contest and won an entry for the 5K race of the Omaha Marathon ! As part of my winnings, I will receive weekly training calls from HITS Endurance Coach, Mark. Since he will be calling me each week with a new training schedule I have accountability for my training. The first race is September 21, so I have plenty of time to train, but I have to start now. I invite you to join me on this journey.

Now, for some of you a 5K is no big deal, but for me, it’s alot of work. My kids are 8, 5 and 3, I had surgery in October and will turn 35 in a few months. I’ve always been active, having been Active Duty Navy for most of my 20’s, but my fitness routine has taken the backburner to my kids and my business. With three young kids, it seems like I’m always on the go and don’t always make time to fit exercise into my day. I’ve learned I have to schedule it and make it a priority. The dishes will wait. The laundry will wait. The kids can work out with me and they do. I need to make my own health important in my life.
My main goal for the 5K challenge is to be healthy, however, if I lose weight along the way I won’t complain. We already eat healthy, balanced meals, but I need to ditch my candy stash or let my kids devour it. I should also quit smoking and that will be my next major change. I will keep you updated with any weight loss results and regular pictures. I personally find weight loss journeys fascinating, so I decided to share my journey with you (I didn’t even lie about my weight, though I really, really wanted to lie.)

This is my training schedule from my professional endurance coach for week one for beginner runners who want to train for a 5k. I just finished my day 1 workout and I feel pretty good. I didn’t pass out, so that’s a good sign. Feel free to train with me each week. I will get a new training schedule on Monday and will post it for you to follow.
Day 1: 30 minute easy jog
Day 2: Easy jog for 10 minutes
4 laps on track, fast run on straightaways and walk on curves
Walk to cooldown for 5-10 minutes
Day 3: 30 minute hilly walk (the Omaha Zoo would be perfect)
Day 4: Repeat Day 2
Day 5/6: Walk/Run for 1 hour total on one of those days and take the other day off
Day 7: Strength training of choice for 30 minutes
Are you going to join me in this 5K challenge? Please leave a comment and let me know so we can support each other.
You just inspired me!! I’m up for the challenge!
Yay!!! Keep me posted!
I’m in! But, I will be a week behind you. I just got my license (since moving to the area) on Friday and decided for the first time ever to not fudge it by ten or fifteen lbs.
It was REALLY hard for me admit my weight here, but liberating all at the same time. I’m so glad you are doing the challenge with me.
I got a new license last year to update my address, and I was so proud to put my weight. Now, a year later, I am sure people glance and think, haha…liar. I will join you to make last year’s weight true again! (Oh, and be healthy!)
I always say exercise is a journey, not a destination. I did really well when I did a challenge last year with a group of friends and lost 20 lbs, but, of course, I got busy and put back on 7 of those pounds. It’s so hard to see that after working so hard.
I’m in. Have wanted to do a couch to 5k and this is the perfect opportunity.
Yay! This is great because the trainer has allowed me to share the trainings, so it’s like we all get personal training. 🙂 Keep me posted.
I’m in. I lost 130 lbs 2 yrs ago and about 15 lbs has crept back on recently because knee problems. I’m going to push through and do the best I can though! We will see how this goes!
Awesome job! That’s a huge accomplishment. 🙂
Yes!! I’m i & I would love to kickstart my new healthy living & perhaps even sign up for the November Spartan race 🙂 I’m not a huge fan of running but do know it’s great exercise.. Perhaps I’ll hire an ice cream truck to drive through my neighborhood & chase it around lol J/K.. I do enjoy kayaking & walking & recently tried stand up paddle boarding & want to try the SUP yoga :).
Oh the ice cream truck comment totally made my day! LOL. I used to say if I’m running, you better start running too, because something is chasing me. Running is not my favorite exercise either, but when I did it in the Navy regularly I lost 35 pounds and went from a size 10 to 4. Of course, I gained it all back and much more after having three kids.
If you want to run on our team in the Spartan race, let me know and I can give you the information. So far, it’s just me and my husband on the team. 🙂
Good luck! That’s so inspiring!
I can’t say that I am going to start this full force right now being that I am 8 months pregnant BUT I have always wanted to do a 5k I used to be very in shape, healthy, etc until I’ve let my self go over the years (kids, schooling, life. Etc) however I am registered for the arthritis jingle bell run/walk 5k in December in honor on my youngest son SO I am definitely going to keep track of everyone’s hard work and start after I have this one in Sept!!! Great job to you all!!!
I’d love to join in!!!!!
You can do this and so can I
Yes you can!!! Let’s do this!!! 🙂
I’m in sort of. lol. Not doing alot of running in the heat due to heart condition. But planning on substituting alot of walking. I have also started to see a nutritionist at the Creighton Cardiac Center to help with diet and healthy eating. Already down 10lbs!