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Garlic Parmesan Shrimp Recipe

Quick and easy garlic parmesan shrimp with spinach

It’s buttery and garlicky and cheesy and delicious, and it can be on the table in 15 minutes! What is the delectable dish? It’s the stuff dreams are made of….garlic parmesan shrimp! This was a wild hit with the family, and came together so quickly. My favorite kind of meal! I’ve been on a shrimp Read more

Copycat crunchwrap supreme recipe with 7 ingredients - tortilla shells, taco meat, sour cream, cheese sauce, tostadas, lettuce and tomatoes

When I was in my twenties and single, I had an obsession with crunchwraps from Taco Bell. They were just so delicious and filing and fit my meager budget. So I was honestly kind of disappointed in myself when I realized how quick and easy it was to make your own at home. It only Read more

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One awesome benefit of Amazon Prime is that every month Prime members get a FREE ebook from the Amazon First Reads selections. These books are available exclusively to Prime members before their official release date. As a Prime member, you can select one of the featured Amazon First Reads ebooks FREE every month – that’s 12 free ebooks a year!

View the April 2021 Amazon First Reads selections.


Giveaway Linky – April 2021

giveaway linky for bloggers - updated monthly

Are you hosting a blog giveaway? Share it here so all Mom Saves Money readers can enter. Please include a description of the prize, date giveaway ends, and the direct url to the giveaway. A new giveaway linky will be posted monthly. Check back regularly for new giveaway listings and come back May 1 for Read more