Back to school deals are slowing down, but there are still fabulous deals this week! All the items listed here are great prices and the very best deals are highlighted in red. CVS Caliber tape 1 ct $1.49 ($1.10 Extrabucks for next purchase, limit 1 = $0.39) Sharpie accent highligher 4 pack or glue sticks 6 pack $1.99 ($1.00 Read more
Even though school started for most local kids last week, there are still tons of great school supply deals! Make sure to stock up on these low-priced school supplies now for the whole school year. These are the best back-to-school deals for the week and the very best deals are highlighted in red. CVS Bic Read more
I can’t believe school starts for my kids on Tuesday already! I’m making sure to stock up now on school supplies to get them through the year. These are the best back to school deals for the week and the very best deals are highlighted in red. CVS Papermate mechanical pencils 2 ct $0.59 ($0.55 Read more

Disclosure: Contains affiliate link I have three kids and we have packed lunches since day 1 of school over four years ago. As a couponer, it’s more economical for us to pack their lunches daily versus paying for school lunches. Here are my top lunch box essentials. 1. Quality lunch box – A sturdy lunch Read more

Summer is halfway over and that means it time to start thinking about shopping for back to school. This can be a daunting task for many parents and very stressful. Here ares some tips to save money buying the essentials for back to school. 1. Make a school supply list – Determine what items your Read more
Yay! There were nine back to school coupons in the Sunday Smartsource coupon insert this week which make some great deals on school supplies! Per reader request, this week I’ve highlighted a few of the very best deals to make viewing this list easier. DOLLAR GENERAL Pocket portfolios with prongs $0.16 iMagine school glue 4-5 Read more
Another great week of school supply deals! Office Depot and Office Max penny deals are back and Hy-Vee is having free lunchbox and backpack promotions when you buy select food. Remember, this is the time to stock up on school supplies for the year with these rock bottom prices. HY-VEE (sale through August 2) Two Read more

It’s that time of year again and school starts in less than a month for the Omaha area. There are lots of great deals on back to school supplies and now is the time to stock up for the entire school year! DOLLAR GENERAL 2 pocket portfolio with prongs $0.17 iMagine glue sticks 3 ct Read more