I will begin a three part series over the weekend detailing where I find all these coupons. Part I will cover coupons in print, Part II is all about finding coupons online and the last section will include all the other random places I find coupons.
1. Sunday Newspaper inserts – I get the majority of my coupons from the Sunday paper. I have two papers delivered directly to my house to ensure I always get two full sets of coupons. Buying the paper from the store is more expensive and doesn’t always guarantee the coupons will be included, although they usually are. I also ask friends, neighbors and family to pass on any extra coupons they have from their paper. If I see a Sunday paper at the doctor’s office waiting area or hotel lobby I always check for the coupons. Most weeks I get 2-3 extra inserts. You can preview the Sunday coupons for each week at Sunday Coupon Preview.
2. All You Magazine – This is the only magazine I actually pay to subscribe to. There are generally $50-$100 worth of coupons in every issue. If you don’t subscribe, you can pick up a copy of this magazine at newstands.
3. Magazines – Most magazines have 2-3 coupons in their advertisements and some even have actual inserts. I receive over 20 magazines FREE every month, including Self, Cosmopolitan, Parents, Woman’s Day and more. You can get request free subscriptions from ValuMags or Rewards Gold. Remember, a truly free subscription will never ask for credit card information. Also, check Amazon for magazine deals on your favorite magazines.