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I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for the TB Blood Test. I received a promotional item to thank me for my participation. #TBBloodTest

Today I’m going to talk about something very serious and share a personal story about Tuberculosis (TB) testing. TB is a highly contagious, airborne disease and approximately 30% of the world’s population is infected with TB. A TB infection can be latent for months or years without symptoms before possibly developing an active, contagious TB infection. There are currently two tests available, skin and blood, to test for the bacterial infection and determine TB infection.

Credit: thetbbloodtest.com

Credit: thetbbloodtest.com

My TB Skin Test Story
Over 15 years ago, I served in the active duty military and TB testing was required. At the time I was tested, I was considered high risk living overseas in Japan. I also spent a year overseas in my teens in the Czech Republic, which is considered a higher risk category as well.

I got my TB skin test (that tiny poke on my forearm) and planned to return in the next few days for them to read the results, but a giant snowstorm happened and the entire base shut down. I couldn’t get my skin test results read in the required timeline, but I did not notice any change in the injection site at all to indicate a latent TB infection.

When the snow melted and the medical center reopened, they administered a 2nd TB skin test. This time the medical professional diagnosed a latent TB infection based on the subjective results of the skin test. I then had to go to multiple appointments that year, including chest x-rays (which were clear of any noticeable TB infection) and an infectious disease specialist. I was given 9 months of medicine to ensure that the diagnosed TB remained latent and I hopefully never developed an active case of TB.

At the time, I was in my early 20s and taught not to question authority or medical professionals. Years later, after my own research, I realize that the 2nd TB skin test was likely a FALSE-POSITIVE! If the TB blood test was available back then it would have provided more accurate and objective results!

The TB Blood Test is More Accurate
A TB infection is very serious and it’s important to get your family checked for latent infections and the most accurate way to do that is with a cutting-edge TB blood test. The TB skin test is 110-years-old and is subjective and open to visual interpretation of the health care professional. Also, a previous TB vaccination can cause a false-positive result.

The TB blood test is the most accurate and objective test for TB infection, since there is no cross reaction with a previous TB vaccination. It also only requires just one visit (instead of 2 with the skin test) and just 3ml fresh blood draw.

Credit: thetbbloodtest.com

Credit: thetbbloodtest.com

Get Tested
As a mom of three kids, I do everything in my power to ensure their well-being. With our busy schedule, the TB blood test, allows us to get accurate results in just one visit and I don’t need to worry about them experiencing what I did.

You can check out more information about the TB blood test and become informed on this very serious health concern and how you can protect your family.

What are your thoughts on the new TB Blood Test?

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  • Lisa October 2, 2015, 12:19 pm

    What a nightmare to go through and I agree, sounds like a False Positive! Thank you for sharing your story and about this testing!


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