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It seems like summer just started, but the back to school deals are already great! If you want to save on school supplies, it’s best if you pick up the best deals each week leading up to the start of school. I will provide a list of deals from the weekly ads every Sunday and Read more

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The back to school deals are winding down, but you can still find some great prices. Make sure to stock up enough supplies to get through the school year or buy some extra for your classrooms. All stock up prices are highlighted in red. DOLLAR GENERAL iMagine school glue 4-6 oz or large glue stick Read more


Back to School Essentials Checklist!

Are you stressed about kids going back to school? It seems like the last few weeks before school starts are hectic making sure kids have everything they need for school. I’ve created an easy checklist to ensure you have everything they need to be successful at school. Continue Reading …


The back to school deals are winding down, but there are still some amazing deals!  Grab what you need for the rest of the school year in the next few weeks. I keep a small tote of school supplies, so I can replenish supplies when my kids need them. I’m excited that we received new Read more


My kids already started school last week. I thought I was done shopping for school supplies, but I am super excited about the penny deals this week. I plan to grab a few extra school supplies to donate to their teachers and a few stationary goodies for myself. DOLLAR GENERAL iMagine crayons 24 ct $0.33 Read more


It’s crazy to think my kids go back to school on Thursday already. Luckily, there are still lots of great school supply deals and even a few new coupons in today’s paper. If you are still looking for a new backpack or lunchbox there are several great promotions at various stores, including buy one get Read more


The back to school deals are in full swing now! Lots of great deals and we finally got a few school supply coupons in the Sunday paper. Use the $1 coupon of any Bic stationary products at most retailers and score basic school supplies cheap or even free! DOLLAR GENERAL iMagine large glue stick 1 ct Read more


Wow! Can you believe kids go back to school next month? My kids start school on August 11 and it just doesn’t seem possible that there is only four weeks left of their summer break. Good news is the back to school sales have started and you can look forward to a weekly list every Read more


The back to school deals are definitely slowing down and this may be the last post for 2015. Make sure to start checking clearance racks for great deals on these seasonal items.  This week I saw backpacks and lunch kits for 75% off at my local Bakers. CVS Caliber 2-pocket porfolios $0.20 Backpacks or lunch Read more