Kitchen Hack (noun): Refers to a shortcut found in the kitchen. A tip or a technique that makes one’s life easier, specifically when it comes to organizing or preparing a meal.
Kitchen hacks. I love them. I seek out more of them. Those little things that make my life easier. That make getting food on the table easier. Or quicker. Or tastier. Any of those things are great and something I welcome! Today, I’ll share with you one of my favorite kitchen hacks: making bacon in the oven.
It’s the ultimate of hacks. No need to babysit the bacon. No need to flip the bacon. No need to clean the grease off your countertops and backsplash when you’re done. No need to make batch after batch after batch just to make a whole pound (or two) of bacony goodness!
I don’t make bacon often – while being something that I enjoy, it just doesn’t seem to come up in our rotation often. So when I do make it, I make a lot of it. Because you can freeze cooked bacon – either as cooked slices or crumbled for bacon pieces. Love that too!
Without further ado, here’s how I make bacon in the oven…

Bacon in the Oven
- Bacon
- Preheat your oven to 425 degrees.
- Line cookie sheets with foil. The better you do this, the less clean up you have.
- Lay the bacon slices on the foil. You don’t want them overlapping, but they can be right next to each other since bacon shrinks up when cooking.
- Bake for 16-20 minutes, depending on how ‘crisp’ you want your bacon.
- Take the bacon out of the oven. Blot as much grease off as you desire with paper towels.
- Enjoy!
Jayme is a wife to 1 and a mother to three little boys (soon to be 4 this summer!). She coupons, but isn’t super extreme about it. She price matches and loves it! While she likes to cook, she’s in the stage of life where simple is usually better! She never knows how many hands she’ll have free at dinner time! You can find her at No Regrets Living.
From blt’s next time take three strips each together cut them in half and weave them in the pan, before baking. Makes the best bacon sandwich ever!