From the publisher:
“Mimi Wilson and Mary Beth Lagerborg are back with a brand new book that features their Once-A-Month Cooking ™ technique guaranteed to save time and money. Filled with all-new cycles – two one-month cycles, two two-week cycles, and three specialty cycles: gourmet, summer, and gluten-free – their trademark method remains the same: You shop for an entire cycle all at once, buying in bulk and saving money. You do all the food prep for the cycle the next day, freezing and refrigerating what needs to be kept cold, stocking the pantry when appropriate. Then, as the family assembles for mealtime, you do some quick finishing and it’s ready – fast and delicious!”
My review:
The recipes in Once-A-Month Cooking Family Favorites are super easy to prepare and most have less than 10 ingredients. The book is already divided by one-month or two-week cooking cycles complete with shopping lists, recipes and even order of preparation for each cycle. It’s so nice to not have to worry about what’s for dinner every night and just put the pre-prepared dish in the oven to heat up. Very convenient cooking. My only complaint is that there are very few meatless recipes, so you will have to substitute recipes if you regularly eat vegetarian meals.
Q&A with Mary Beth and Mimi on Once-a-Month Cooking™:
You were the first to publish a book about bulk freezer cooking, and many others have come after you. How did you think of this concept—and what made you feel it would work for so many women?
Mary Beth: Mimi developed this method at a time when we were writing articles together. She wanted me to call The Denver Post to see if they wanted us to write an article about it. I thought Mimi was crazy, and asked her to call. When the paper sent a reporter and photographer to her home within a week to do a food feature, we knew we were on to something. We’ve found over the years that Mimi’s three reasons for creating the strategy—to save time, money, and make possible good times at the table —resonate with most families.
Mimi: As a mother of three young children, I wanted to streamline my life without taking away from the things I loved. At the time, I was working with Hmong refugees in Denver, trying to sell their handwork. I studied my days by writing down how I spent my time in 15-minute increments. And I found I was wasting the most time in the kitchen. I remember the day I decided I would cook until I ran out of the food I had on hand. I put all the dishes I had prepared on the dining room table. When I counted 30 meals I was ecstatic, because I knew I didn’t have to cook dinner again for a month. Every month for the next year I used the method, once for me and once with a friend, so I was able to perfect it. If someone was having a baby, I’d say “You buy these groceries, and I’ll prepare you a month’s meals.” It became the gift I gave my friends.
What are your top three favorite recipes in the new Once-a-Month Cookbook Family Favorites—and why?
Mary Beth:
1. Country-Style Ribs (This slow cooker entrée provides great aroma-therapy!)
2. Corn Soup with Basil, Avocado, and Crab (This delicious soup proves that frozen entrees can be both elegant and delicious.)
3. Penne in Cream Sauce with Sausage (My son Drew keeps asking me when we’ll have this one.)
1. Lemon Chicken (It’s so fast and tasty! Great for unexpected guests; it can be on the table in ten minutes.)
2. Uptown Joes (Great for picnics or ballgames in wide-mouth thermos.)
3. Beef Pot Roast (I love this one for its smell. There’s nothing like coming into a house that smells good.)
What wisdom could you offer to the busy woman who has never tried this method?
Mimi: Even preparing two of any entrée at one time will show you how much time this technique can save! In the beginning, try this technique with a friend who can help you with the many tasks, even just answering the door, the phone, taking care of the kids, and making sure the ingredients are ready. The first time you try this, I’d recommend trying the free, downloadable one-week cycle from our website or a two-week cycle from the book to get used to cooking in bulk. And don’t try to shop and cook on the same day if possible, to conserve your energy.
Beyond the obvious rewards of reducing food prep time, hassle, and grocery bills, what are you hoping Once-a-Month Cooking Family Favorites will do for busy families?
Mary Beth: My hope is that this technique will make it possible for families to spend more meals together around a table. The family dinner is a simple concept with profound, measureable advantages for children and parents. We relinquish it too easily to busy schedules. I want other families to discover that a warm meal and good conversation are simple, valuable gifts that anyone would enjoy. Mimi: and I truly believe there isn’t any other family activity that is more meaningful or productive.
Purchase: Once-A-Month Cooking retails in stores for $14.99. You can purchase it at a discount from Amazon here.
Giveaway: Thanks to Suzanne, the blog tour coordinator, I have a copy of Once-A-Month Cooking Family Favorites to give away to a lucky reader. You can earn up to seven entries for your chance to win. Please leave a separate comment for each entry.
First Entry
1. Check out the website Once-A-Month Cooking and leave a comment about something you learned. Please leave an email or way to contact you if you win.
Bonus Entries
2. Become a fan of Once-A-Month cooking on Facebook and leave a comment.
3. Subscribe to my free newsletter here and leave me another comment. Current subscribers or followers just leave a comment saying you subscribe/follow to get an extra entry.
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4. Follow me on twitter and tweet about this giveaway and leave a comment. Please include @momsavesmoney in the tweet.
5. Grab my button and leave another comment with your site’s url.
6. Blog about the giveaway and leave another comment with the link to the post
7. Email three or more friends about the giveaway, cc the email to me at and leave another comment here.
This contest will end on Sunday October 18, 2009 at 10:00 pm, central time. I will use to select the winner and contact him/her. (If winner does not respond in 48 hours, I will pick another.) U.S. entries only. Good luck and thanks for entering!
found Mary Beth’s blog on dewlling Spaces – plan to follow her there!
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they encourage you to give a meal con5459(at)gmail(dot)com
I am a subscriber con5459(at)gmail(dot)com
I have your button on my blog
I learned that by using this method you make fewer trips to the store.
I subscribe to your newsletter.
What a great idea. I learned that you can gain back quite a lot of time when you aren’t messing around with daily meal prep.
You know I’m all over this one Nicole!
I love the thought of feeding my family meals for just $267 a month!!
I also love the give a meal part of the website.
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Just became a fan on facebook!
Just blogged about your giveaway!
Just e-mailed too!
I learned how much cheaper following the once-a-month cooking plan is over purchasing take-out, not to mention how much healthier it would be. I want to give it a try!
Chrissy at knittoday(at)hotmail(dot)com
I’m happy to be an e-mail suscriber!
Chrissy at knittoday(at)hotmail(dot)com
I learned that cooking once a month saves energy over cooking every day.
you save $2.16 a meal
I learned some of the benefits of once a month cookings:
fewer trips to the store, not having to cook each day or
having to clean up a cooking mess each day, saves the stress of wondering what to fix for dinner each day, and save appliance energy use.
Thanks for the review and giveaway! I’d love to try this!
I subscribe via email
I learned about the cost savings, electricity savings, time savings, and most of all, sanity savings of oamc. It’s something I’d love to try!
I learned that OMC can help eliminate the stress of deciding whats for dinner.
searcher7105 at gmail dot com
I am now a fb fan
I am already a subscriber!
searcher7105 at gmail .com
The fact that I can go to the store less often is great.
I love the idea of less time at the grocery store and more time at home doing things other than meal prep, clean up, planning etc.
jules 0910 at gmail dot com
I’m an avid follower!
jules0910 at gmail dot com
I became a fan of OAMC and left a comment!
jules0910 at gmail dot com
I learned that there are free resources on the site to enhance both the cooking program and your family dinnertime:
These free resources will help increase your chances that meal times will be good times together:
Prompt good dinner conversation with table talk questions HERE.
Once-A-Month Cooking co-inventor Mary Beth Lagerborg blogs on mealtimes and beyond — on creating the well-lived home from the inside out HERE.
Nervous about having company? Find meal tips and techniques to give you confidence HERE.
Join the cooking conversation with the authors and other Once-A-Month Cooks on Facebook.
Became a fan of Once-A-Month cooking on Facebook Carol P Dziuba
and left a comment on their wall
email subscriber
I follow on Twitter (cdziuba) and tweeted Button Blogged
I love this idea!! I learned that Cook half a day for a two-week cycle, a full day for a month cycle. I am going to try ,I wish this book was out years ago. A great gift for new Moms!!
a fan of Once-A-Month cooking on Facebook
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On their web site, you can download a sample of a week’s worth of cooking tips for OAM cooking.
allibrary (at) aol (dot) com
I am an e-mail subscriber.
allibrary (at) aol (dot) com
I learned you only have to cook half a day for a two week cycle – I can do that!! I think this method could save me so much time during the week.
I am an email subscriber.
a fan on Facebook
OAMC is a great way to save money and time—and feed my family better.
Following OAMC on FB
Cook half a day for a two-week cycle, a full day for a month cycle.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
Once – A – Month Cooking Facebook Fan – Janet Fri
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I learned that you don’t have to make each recipe individually. There is what they call an Assembly Order to chop everything that needs chopped first to save time! I love that idea =)
luckistarr4 AT gmail DOT com
I’m a fan on Facebook!!
luckistarr4 AT gmail DOT com
I already subscribe to your email and follow you in my Google Reader!
luckistarr4 AT gmail DOT com
I follow you on twitter and I tweeted =)
luckistarr4 AT gmail DOT com
Your button is on my blog!
luckistarr4 AT gmail DOT com
I just emailed most of my family members and copied you!
luckistarr4 AT gmail DOT com
I’m with her!!
ribbles2008 AT yaoo DOT com
I’d love to win this book, guess we all are looking for ways to cut time from being in the kitchen : D
I follow by email.
slawoszewski (at)
I learned that you’ll probably only spend $267.84 for a month’s dinner entrees
I learned that you cook half a day for a two-week cycle, and cook a full day for a month cycle.
parodi821 at yahoo dot com
I love the fact that they have a free one-month menu to download to try & see how you like it!
I’m a subscriber!
I learned that they have a (free) menu grid online that you can use for menu planning. asthenight at gmail dot com
I became a fan and left a comment on Facebook. asthenight at gmail dot com
I’m now a confirmed subscriber. asthenight at gmail dot com
Following on Twitter; here’s my Tweet: asthenight at gmail dot com
learned how much cheaper the once a month cooking plan is
I love that they promise that this saves time AND money!
The Once-A-Month Cooking system helps you bring family and friends to the table, and connect with the people you care about the most. aitmama {{at}} gmail {dot} com
I became a fan of Once-A-Month cooking on Facebook
Subscribed to newsletter
The average cost, for all the menu cycles, was $2.16 per serving for the dinner main dishes.
Wow, that’s awesome!
mattschmunk at hotmail dot com
I didn’t know you could cook at month’s worth of good in one day! I need this cookbook
it saves you money in the long run and you make fewer trips to the store. you don’t have to worry about what’s for dinner tonight.
I learned you can save over $250/month doing OAMC.
I posted your giveaway on my sidebar at
I learned this method can save a ton of money.
I subscribe to your e-mail.
I’m a OAMC facebook fan.
There are fewer trips to the store and if you are in a hurry you can just take something out and warm it in the micro.
Less shopping time, prep all at once, don’t have to wait for the oven to warm for each menu item… how can you go wrong? I really need this book.
I learned you can save over $250 a month.
I was surprised to see how cheap it is!! The site said, ” The average cost, for all the menu cycles, was $2.16 per serving for the dinner main dishes.
$2.16 x 31 days x 4 family members = $267.84 for a month’s dinner entrees”
I currently spend WAY more money than that and still never have anything ready to cook. I’m in!!!
Thanks so much! pamelashockley(AT)netscape(DOT)net
I learned you can just take a half a day to cook for a two week cycle.
I thought this once a month cooking would take days.. but it says on their website ‘•Cook half a day for a two-week cycle, a full day for a month cycle’
i would love to try this book!!
I learned that: cooking once a month saves energy over cooking every day!
I learned that there a fewer trips to the store this way!
I learned that cooking once a month saves energy over cooking every day.
E-mail subscriber.
OMC FACEBOOK FAN. jelly15301 —
I learned that they plan to connect meal givers via the internet with people needing meals in local communities. And the other will connect donations from OAMC families with a family in another culture whose daily challenge is having enough to eat.
I became a fan of theirs on facebook! Sheila H.
I subscribe!
I learned: “How much money can you save by using Once-A-Month Cooking? The average cost, for all the menu cycles, was $2.16 per serving for the dinner main dishes.”
I follow
I follow on Twitter as Jessilyn82 and tweeted
Added your button
I love the idea of not having to cook every day and cutting down on trips to store.
i learned several conversation good starters for the dinner table.
I like the concept of cooking half a day for a two week cycle!
now a fan on fb and I left a comment.
I get your email newsletter and LOVE it!
i sent your giveway to 3 of my friends!!
The favorite thing I learned was-less trips to the supermarket!
I learned that you can get a free one-week sample of the Once-A-Month Cooking technique…complete with shopping list, recipes and tips to maximize your time.
subscribed to email
It said that you would spend most of your food budget for the month but you actually save money.
already subscriber/followr
I learned that they have recipes that would satisfy my hunger for take-out cravings from Mexican to Chinese. This looks great! Thanks! goodwitchglinda at gmail dot com
I love the idea of giving a meal. I think it’s something people appreciate in times of need far more than flowers and balloons.
I’ve subscribed to your newsletter.
i learned you’ll cook half a day for a two week cycle.
I learned that I’m spending too much time in the kitchen! (Hey, I knew that. Y’all just verified it!)
I would like the banana bread recipe.
The Once-A-Month Cooking system helps you bring family and friends to the table, and connect with the people you care about the most.
I learned that Once-A-Month Cooking was created by Mimi Wilson and Mary Beth Lagerborg.
I subscribed.
I became a fan of Once-A-Month cooking on Facebook.
I liked the rules for mealtime conversations:
* There is no right or wrong answer
* Everyone present will have an answer
* If someone doesn’t want to answer, they can choose another question
* There are no stupid answers, so no reason to criticize each other
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I subscribed to your newsletter.
I can NOT believe she even has an actual Gluten Free section! I would have tried to glean tips from this and made them work for my Gluten Free husband but now I want this even more! Would love to win!
I learned that you can take a half day to cook for a two week cycle.
Awesome article! It is in detail and well formatted that i enjoyed reading. which inturn helped me to get new information from your blog.
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