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Smooshies Review!

One thing I really like about being a blogger is that companies occasionally send me products free to review. Recently, One2One Network sent me a Smooshie doll for my three year old daughter.

Smooshies are little dolls that have detachable parts, so the kids can use their creativity to create a character. They are sold exclusively at Joann craft store.

When the Smooshie arrived my daughter begged me to open it and let her play with it. Once I did she sat down for about 1/2 hour and attached all the pieces to the body. She soon got bored with the doll and the next day decided to use the couch instead to attach the pieces. She played with the Smooshie for a few days, but now it sits lonely in a corner untouched for several weeks.

It’s a neat toy, but I think it might be more entertaining for kids older than my daughter. She, unfortunately, lost interest in it quickly.

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