Do your kids scour the house snooping for presents? Mine do, so I asked for help from my Facebook fans and they had some genius hiding places for Christmas gifts. I’m sharing their tips for the best places to hide presents from curious kids.
The biggest tip for hiding presents is to wrap them before hiding. (Check out these DIY frugal wrapping paper hacks.) It’s an extra layer of security, but a little tape still may not be enough to deter the snoopiest of kids. Use a cryptic code to label presents. Instead of their name, try designating the gifts with a unique letter, number, or wrapping each person’s in unique paper. Once the gifts are wrapped, let the hiding begin!

Best Places to Hide Presents from Kids
Empty Suitcases
If you’re not planning a trip anytime soon, an empty suitcase is a perfect place to hide gifts. There’s plenty of room and it’s an unsuspecting hiding place.
Christmas Tree Box
Once you put your tree up, utilize the empty tree box to hide gifts.
Car Trunk
Depending on the type of vehicle you have, you can hide presents in your car trunk. Just make sure you don’t accidently reveal your hiding spot when the kids help unload groceries.
Most people use coolers primarily in the warmer months and they sit vacant in storage over the winter. Hide the gifts in those empty coolers and hopefully the kids won’t think to look there.
Storage Totes
If you have a storage area in your home or garage, utilize an empty tote. The tote from Christmas decorations would be ideal. Make sure to bury it in the storage so it’s not easily accessed. For extra security, place a towel or blanket at the top of the tote, so if they do find it, hopefully they will think it’s just a boring box of blankets.
Someone Else’s House
If your kids are relentless in their search for presents, the best option may be hiding them at a family member, neighbor, or friend’s house.
A Room They Never Use
Do the kids avoid the laundry room at all costs? Or the cleaning closet? These might be ideal places to hide the gifts.
Wrap and Leave in Plain Sight
If all else fails, you can wrap the gifts, and set them under the tree. Make the gifts cryptic by wrapping each persons in a different paper (or use a code only you know.) Reveal their wrapping paper (or code) on Christmas morning by leaving the matching gift wrap in their stocking.
Hopefully you can find a great hiding place in your home (or someone else’s home), that keeps the magic of the Christmas morning surprise. Good luck parents!
Leave a comment and share your gift hiding locations.

Nicole is the founder of this website and mom of 3 kids, including a teenager. She cooks simple meals, follows a budget, clips coupons, and enjoys helping others ‘live well on less’. You can find her on Instagram, Facebook or Pinterest.