I love summer and the cooking that goes with it! Hamburgers, hot dogs, grilling of all kinds. I find that there are side dishes that are scream summer! While they might not be unique to summer, there are certain dishes that I just think of when I think of summer cookin’.
One of those dishes is baked beans. When I have a cheeseburger, I just always think that baked beans will come along side it. When I go to a barbecue joint, one of the side dishes I always want is baked beans. I don’t know what it is about them, but I find them to be wonderful!
Now, there are complicated baked beans that simmer all day long in a low-temp oven. There are baked beans that have meats in them – be that hamburger, pork, bacon or even italian sausage. And I find those recipes to be great, but I also find just a basic baked beans recipe to almost as great. I’ll take the recipe that has very little effort, but great reward any day of the week! That’s what this is — super simple, but with a great homemade taste! It’s a step above “dump out a can and heat”, but way less work than other recipes.
It’s just a good classic, everyday kind of recipe. Those are the kind that I like.

Jayme is a wife to 1 and a mother to four little boys. She coupons, price matches and meal plans. While she likes to cook, she’s in the stage of life where simple is usually better – she never knows how many hands she’ll have free at dinner time! You can find her at No Regrets Living.