Well…not gonna lie. I didn’t have homeschooling in my plans with my kids this year.
See I homeschooled our oldest for 2 years before admitting that it wasn’t a good fit for us. I wasn’t even purely homeschooling – he was 1/2 in a private school and 1/2 homeschooled. Even the private school said “This might not be the best choice.” Lesson learned and we started public school this year.
And yet, now we’re facing the possibility of homeschooling because schools maybe closed for several weeks because of the Coronavirus. It won’t be true homeschooling though – our school district will provide the lessons and papers and work with us on what’s best. But still, I’ll be at home with at least 2 kids who normally would’ve been in school.
With them only being in Kindergarten and 1st grade, it won’t take long to get our lessons done, so we’ll have plenty of time to add in fun stuff – it just needs to be fun stuff that doesn’t involve going to public places!
So I thought I’d make a Boredom Buster Bingo card to kind of give our days some focus. Wanna join in? Each day, pick one (or two or three) and see if you can go for a Bingo. Maybe you’ll even make it to a Black out! Either way, make some family memories.
My kids are having fun playing ‘Bingo’ and love making homemade “blizzard” desserts, baking cookies, playing their favorite board games, and using YouTube to build epic paper airplanes.
Grab the printable version of the Boredom Buster Bingo.

Jayme is a wife to 1 and a mother to four little boys. She tries to coupon, builds a smart stockpile, and always meal plans. While she likes to cook, she’s in the stage of life where simple is usually better – she never knows how many hands she’ll have free at dinner time! You can find her on Instagram.