Our family loves fresh fruit and are always looking for ways to eat healthy on a budget. Berries are in-season and on sale just a few times a year and I like to stock up so we can enjoy delicious fruit year-round. However, fresh berries, like strawberries, blueberries and raspberries, can go bad quickly, so it’s important to preserve them and freezing berries is super easy.

How to Use Frozen Berries
I freeze huge batches of berries and use them for smoothies, add to oatmeal or ice cream, bake with them or eat just as a quick snack. The cost for frozen fruit at the grocery store is more than double what it costs me to buy berries on sale and do it myself.
Here are some recipe ideas for frozen berries:
How to Freeze Berries
You will be amazed how easy it is to freeze berries. Now, you may be thinking ‘why can’t I just wash them and throw into a freezer bag?’ You can do that, but you will have a giant clump of frozen berries. If you want individually frozen fruit, like you buy in the grocery store, you will need to flash freeze it. Good thing is, it’s very simple to do.
- Wash fruit and remove any stems. (Check out our tutorial on how to wash pesticides from fruit with one simple ingredient.)
- Place fruit in single layer on freezer-friendly tray (Note – you can line the pan with wax paper for easy removal once frozen.)
- Freeze pan until fruit is individually frozen, usually 4-6 hours.
- Transfer fruit to heavy duty freezer bags (remove as much air as possible for best results) or use a vaccuum sealer.
- Label bag with contents and date.

When you follow these simple directions, you will enjoy perfect, individually frozen fruit at any time. Use the frozen fruit within the next 6-8 months for optimum flavor and freshness.
How to Freeze Berries
- Fresh strawberries, blueberries or raspberries rinsed and stems removed
- freezer or wax paper
- freezer-safe tray
- freezer bags or vaccuum sealer
- Wash fruit and remove any stems.
- Place fruit in single layer on freezer-friendly tray (Note – you can line the pan with wax paper for easy removal once frozen).
- Freeze pan until fruit is individually frozen, usually 4-6 hours.
- Transfer fruit to heavy duty freezer bags (remove as much air as possible for best results) or use a vaccuum sealer.
- Label bag with contents and date.
- Use frozen fruit in smoothies, oatmeal or recipes within 6 months for optimal flavor.
What is your favorite way to eat frozen fruit?
Nicole is the founder of this website and mom of 3 kids, including a teenager. She cooks simple meals, follows a budget, clips coupons, and enjoys helping others ‘live well on less’. You can find her on Instagram, Facebook or Pinterest.
Editor’s Note: Updated in May 2021 for freshness and comprehensiveness.
If you love this, check out more ways to preserve fresh fruit:

I like them in my ice cream too!