If your funds are a little tight this year, you might be wondering how to make extra money quickly to pay for Christmas gifts. There are lots of odd jobs and little ways you can earn an extra buck here and there so today we’ll be talking about some of the best. Keep reading for tips and tricks to help you pay for your Christmas gifts this year and stay debt free!

How To Make Extra Money to Pay for Christmas Gifts
Host a Garage Sale
If you’re wondering how to make extra money without much effort, this is one of the best ways to do it. Throwing a yard sale not only cleans up clutter and makes room for new Christmas gifts, but it can help you raise the money to pay for some too! All the money earned from a yard sale is “extra” – so you can just put it right in your Christmas gift fund. To make your yard sale more successful, consider doing one with multiple families or family members; the more the merrier in this case. Check out more tips on hosting a successful and profitable garage sale.
Sell on eBay
If you don’t feel like doing a yard-sale (or don’t have the time to), you can list your unwanted items online to make extra money. This is a pretty quick and easy way to score some extra cash before the holidays, especially if you have things to get rid of that might be valuable to collectors.
If you’re a good writer and enjoy writing, you could start to do some freelance writing on the side for extra cash. Not all of these jobs are high-paying, but even the lower paying jobs need someone to do them! If you start out small and build a portfolio, you’ll be able to rely on freelancing whenever you want as a form of side income. There are many websites like Freelancer and ProBlogger to find jobs on, but you might find that there are freelance jobs that people you know need done too.
Walk Dogs
If you’re a canine-lover, you’ll definitely appreciate this. If you’ve been stumped on how to make extra money, consider this: walking and/or sitting for dogs! There are apps now (like Wag and Rover) that will connect you with pet-owners looking for dog-walkers, so it makes it a breeze these days. Simply sign up and get walking!
When I polled my readers the average pay for a babysitter is $10 per hour. Offer your babysitting services to families who need child care to attend holiday parties, shop for Christmas or just need a break. A few evenings a week and you will have a nice Christmas fund.
You can make extra money by providing rides through ride share programs like Uber or Lyft. Using your own car and user-friendly apps you pick up passengers in your area and earn money.
Online Rewards Programs
I earn hundreds of dollar a year in free gift cards with online rewards programs. I get rewarded for doing things I’m already doing online like searching the web, watching videos, taking surveys or shopping. My two favorite programs are Swagbucks and My Points.
If you want to create a business, here is a list 25 businesses you can start for less than $250. You can also check out this list of 5 easy ways to save $100 or more this month and 10 more ideas to earn extra money.
What other ways do you create a side income for yourself throughout the year? We’d love to learn how to make extra money in different and unique ways to share with everyone. Let us know in the comments below!